Thursday, May 6, 2010


I decided to go ahead and try and teach myself Grasshopper. Try and try I did. After much annoyance and frustration i started to understand the concepts behind the program. Efficiently using it in my actual will be a different manner. Anyhow, I followed the explanation of the Gherkin in Zubin Khabazi's 'Generative Algorithms' book. It wasn't an actual tutorial, so I had to find out stuff on my own, which was a better way of learning the program to be honest. I have so good ideas about my own design now, incorporating some of the features i learnt into it.

The following 4 images are just a break down of the Grasshopper file i ended up producing for the gherkin in Rhino:

Here I have highlighted the final components of the form which appears in Rhino. One is a loft which illuminates the gherkin cigar form, and the other two images show the structural spiralling supports.

The Final Grasshopper file:

And its Rhino'd production:

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