Sunday, October 11, 2009


Here are some renders of some further development with the design. I was told that my form may have been to simplistic, so i played around with some more organic looking forms.
One of the key aspects that these renders show is the colour scheme i want to utilise. I have envisioned a tower that incorporated reflective coloured glass. I want to show a progression with the towers increasing height. Blue will be the base colour, reflecting earth and cool colours, in direct contrast to the hot, more vibrant red which is featured towards and on the top levels.
I feel this addition to the project will make it stand out, as well as giving me a unique direction to move in, concentrating on a design approach that I am not normally accustomed to.


Apologies for the lack of updates on the blog, but busy times restrict my blogging. Anyhow, I have come a considerable way since the last post. I finally got into 5th gear and move forward from what would have been weeks procrastinating.

This is what i started to work on shortly after my last post. I worked on perfecting the overall form, which is still including a twist, but less dramatic, as well as still maintaining a circle base to square peak.