Friday, November 6, 2009


Again, I have made leaps since the last post, but time is pressing. I'll go back in the near future to post the process in between theses last couple of posts. Anyhow, here are my final boards that are to be presented.


I have jumped a little ahead since my last posts. I spoke to my tutor and we decided to concentrate on the casino only. Two levels were picked, the ground level and the first. I worked continuously on the floor plans to resolve the many issues that arose. Ultimately, the clay render below shows the ground level, minus the prismatic glass walls so that the floor can be seen.


The finished model! I've added the galvanised wire to act as the steel structural supports. It came out pretty well. Up close you can see fingermarks all over it, which really disappointed me. But the model comes out well in photos, and represents my idea perfectly. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of this model.

It was a learning experience, as I really hadn't made a model at this scale before, but all in all I enjoyed the experience.


This is during the process, probably about a third of the way to completion. Still more to do, still more to add. Its getting there though.


The ever continuing process of building the model


I finally got around to cutting my floor plates. I had to wait an eternity, but i finally got them done. Now its just a matter of putting it all together. As you can see though, the shape is forming nicely. The up side to all this....the laser cutter was pretty cool to watch, plus i would never have been able to produce these floor plates on my own.


OK, so after a couple of days looking at the design, I have decided to go ahead an construct my physical model. I believe that whilst I am working on this model, I will inevitably understand the design more, plus it will give me ideas in the detailing section. Here are a couple of the corel draw files i am going to use. These will work in conjunction with the laser cutter to produce my floor plates.

Once I have all the laser cutting files, I will then construct the skyscraper in a basic form, using the floor plates to represent the form. I'll hopefully add to this down the track.
Keep posted!


The elevator that I envisioned as being my main central core was causing me problems. As my design uses twisting floor plates, it was hard to come up with a system of vertical transport to cater for this. In most cases a twisting building will have a dead center elevator core, but mine does not. My skyscraper is pretty much divided into two, and only one tower will fit the elevator (walkways between the two towers will provide access to the tower that has no elevator core). I needed to come up with a way that the elevator would open in different places on the elevator shaft, which would be the same place on each of the twisting floor plates. After days of trying to solve this issue, I finally found a solution. The Infinity Tower posseses such a system. It utilises a circular core, and the elevators twist as rise. Each individual elevator services only a number of floors. It actually really cool. The specifics can be found here: and here:


Here's another outline render to present my overall idea and form of the skyscraper.


I added a little more detail onto my building, which pretty much just outlines the window system and location. It also has helped me locate where the structural supports can go. Recently I stayed at Q1 and took note of the structural supports at key positions on the facade. I have incorporated a similar system, allowing for extra support between window panels.

I think the design is shaping up nicely, and I am looking forward to continual work on it. I need to decide which section I am going to concentrate on, as one element of the design needs to be in more detail. As the project requires a number of different scales showing different elements, I think that the most obvious path to take would be: 1. Exterior image of skyscraper; 2. One or two floor plans and rendered floor plates; and 3. Detail within those floor plates.

Keep posted, I've got a lot of work ahead of me, so I will be posting regularly.


I did some extra extra work over the last couple of days. It was to allow for me to work with the design so that I knew it intimately. Below are some quick renders of how the building may start to shape itself. More work will be done, but for now I am just happy that I am finally working with the finalised form.


I finally decided on my final form and shape for the casino and hotel. I maintained the original form idea of a circular base which twists and warps into a square shaped pinnacle. The idea has stuck with me from the beginning of the semester, and although I had not originally intended on it, the shape is a reference to the roman columns.

I divided the overall shape to form 2 separate towers. This gives the building a unique quality, whilst allowing more light and ventilation to encapsulate the space. The base acts as the casino area, and is clearly evident due to the contrasting nature of the modified cube against a cylindrical tower.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Here are some renders of some further development with the design. I was told that my form may have been to simplistic, so i played around with some more organic looking forms.
One of the key aspects that these renders show is the colour scheme i want to utilise. I have envisioned a tower that incorporated reflective coloured glass. I want to show a progression with the towers increasing height. Blue will be the base colour, reflecting earth and cool colours, in direct contrast to the hot, more vibrant red which is featured towards and on the top levels.
I feel this addition to the project will make it stand out, as well as giving me a unique direction to move in, concentrating on a design approach that I am not normally accustomed to.


Apologies for the lack of updates on the blog, but busy times restrict my blogging. Anyhow, I have come a considerable way since the last post. I finally got into 5th gear and move forward from what would have been weeks procrastinating.

This is what i started to work on shortly after my last post. I worked on perfecting the overall form, which is still including a twist, but less dramatic, as well as still maintaining a circle base to square peak.